Sunday School - Fall 2024 (beginning Sunday, August 11)
Our Sunday School ministry is for all ages and meets at 9:15 am on Sundays.
Adults: For adults, we will have a 3-week combined class, Equipping in Relational Evangelism that will meet in the choir room (102). Beginning September 1, there will be two adult options: Listening to the Scripture by Craig G. Bartholomew (room 105) led by Pastor Jeff Birch; The Gospel Project: The Gospels-From Death to Resurrection (room 104) led by Pastor Mike Palombo and team.
Youth: The youth class (middle/high school students) led by Travis Skillingstad will meet in room 106/109 and will study The Gospel Project (student version).
Elementary: Elementary children (age 5 – 5th grade) study The Gospel Project (for kids) and meet in room 110.
Preschoolers: Preschoolers (age 2 – 4) will study The Gospel Project (pre-k version) and are taught by Shannon Strickland. They meet in rooms 107/108.
Nursery is available for infants/toddlers in rooms 107/108.
For information about children's studies contact
Ellen Skillingstad at
Community Groups
Community Groups (CG) are a family of disciples on mission with God who gather, grow, and go make disciples through Gospel demonstration and conversation.
Hunt CG: Led by Wes Hunt, they meet on the 1st and 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in various homes. Study topic to be determined.
Parker CG: Led by Harold Parker, they meet the 1st and 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the LOPC choir room.
Birch/Benzur CG: Led by Pastor Jeff Birch and Bill Benzur, they meet the 1st and 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Birch home.
Palombo CG: Led by Pastor Mike Palombo, they meet on the 1st, 2nd, and 5th Wednesday of each month at 5:45 p.m. in the Palombo home.
Life-on-Life Discipleship
Life-on-Life Discipleship: A discipleship ministry designed to help a disciple maker develop mature and equipped followers of Christ, who will be able to do the same with others. LOL is a global Christian ministry reaching nearly every continent and 14 countries. To learn more about LOL Discipleship, click here for a helpful website and/or contact Pastor Mike Palombo at
LOL led by Wes Hunt: class is filled.
LOL led by Lou Tepper: class is filled.
LOL led by Bill Benzur & Mike Palombo: class is open
Women’s Bible Studies
Tuesday Early-Morning Ladies' Bible Study – Led by Karen Hildebrand and Jan Murray, they meet every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. for deep study in the Word, discussion, and prayer. Contact the church office for meeting location and leader contact information.
Wednesday Mid-Morning Ladies’ Bible Study – Led by Sue Burmeister, they meet every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. at the church in room 105. The current study is "Hinged," which focuses on the book of Ephesians. All women are welcome to attend.